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Racism: A Very Short Introduction, by Ali Rattansi

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From subtle discrimination in everyday life, to horrors like lynching in the Old South, cultural imperialism, and "ethnic cleansing", racism exists in many different forms, in almost every facet of society. Despite civil rights movements and other attempts at progress, racial prejudices and stereotypes remain deeply embedded in Western culture. Racism takes a frank and objective look at why these notions exist. It explores how racism has come to be so firmly established, and looks at how race, ethnicity, and xenophobia are related. This book incorporates the latest research to demystify the subject of racism and explore its history, science, and culture. It sheds light not only on how racism has evolved since its earliest beginnings, but also explores the numerous embodiments of racism, highlighting the paradox of its survival, despite the scientific discrediting of the notion of 'race' with the latest advances in genetics. As encompassing as it is concise, Racism is a valuable guide to one of the world's most destructive problems.
- Sales Rank: #115408 in Books
- Published on: 2007-05-01
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 4.20" h x .40" w x 6.80" l, .35 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 208 pages
About the Author
Ali Rattansi is currently Visiting Professor of Sociology at City University, London. His publications include Racism, Modernity, and Identity: On the Western Front, 'Race', Culture, and Difference, and Racism and Anti-racism: Inequalities, Opportunities, and Policies.
Most helpful customer reviews
8 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
Great introduction
By Justice
I thought that, as far as a highly sensitive topic goes, this was the best possible way to address it in an intelligent and sensitive way. The book is up to date on recent scientific developments and maintains, rightly, that race can never be seriously treated as anything but a social construct. That being said, the author does not dismiss the power and relevance of the social category of race, and talks about the complex ways in which racism(s) play a role in our everyday lives. One of the most interesting aspects of the book is the way the author suggests that labeling someone a "racist" can in some ways be as essentializing and unfair as racism in practice is. The Rattansi does not say this in order to dismiss the power or brutality of many forms of overt and covert racial hatreds; on the contrary, he suggests that racism is far too complex a historical and cultural phenomenon to be dismissed as one person's individual pathology. A very good introduction and a good brief historiography. I enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone.
5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
By simon matthew
Ali Rattansi's Racism is an absolutely outstanding introduction to a very complex topic. In a series of extremely concise and well written chapters, he covers the development of modern racism and its intensification in imperialism and colonialism, the Holocaust and the many complexities of "anti-semitism", eugenics and IQ science, and the resurgence of xenophobia and the rise of the far right in response to immigration from the global south. Unlike many other books on this topic, Rattansi is always careful to point out that the terms involved in this discourse are very difficult to define, and that just as one ought not to essentialize the characteristics of certain ethnic or religious groups groups, the attitudes of those displaying apparently racist sentiment ought to be treated as similarly nuanced. Rattansi, like most of the OUP authors, clearly writes from a universalistic, left wing perspective, but he is alert to the fact that the shutting down of contrary opinions by name calling is highly destructive to the functioning of any true democracy. In a particularly trenchant quote, he notes that "the labelling of an action...as racist should be the beginning of a dialogue and enquiry, not the prelude to a round of polarized shouting matches from entrenched positions." If, like me, you believe that the free movement of peoples is a human right, and are concerned about the problems it may engender in the future, I can't think of a better place to start.
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Challenging book for a challenging topic
By Kindle Customer
Note that this review is based on the Kindle version of the book.
Mr. Rattansi uses both history/narrative and examinations of the many definitions of racism to organize and present his arguments on racism. The two approaches may frustrate and/or confuse the reader. But the approach serves as a great tool to help analyze racism.
Rattansi also uses both American and British examples to state the problem and address potential remedies and further challenges to solving the problem of racism.
In a "very short introduction" format, readers may be frustrated by seemingly simplistic examples, explanations, and suggested answers. Mr. Rattansi, like the best of other"very short introduction" books has many ideas presented for which further information must be sought out by the individual reader. Racism is too complex, too amorphous to allow for easy approaches and answers. Prepare to be made to work hard, guided by the author, to approach this subject.
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Racism: A Very Short Introduction, by Ali Rattansi PDF
Racism: A Very Short Introduction, by Ali Rattansi PDF